Squirrel TV is bigly better than the Gorilla Channel.

Genghis spends a lot of time in the windows. She considers them her sole domain as the only time Misty has ever been on a ledge was That One Time the black cat from down the road threatened the household at 6am by sheltering from the rain on the outside sill.

I have no idea how Misty even noticed (unless Genghis told her) or, indeed, how she managed to get up there at all as she’s not exactly sprightly but, as the interloper has clearly clearly learned its lesson (and Misty has therefore never been back up), the ledges once again belong to Genghis. She’s particularly fond of the kitchen as there are herb pots for her to fur against and there’s a pillow for comfort, and – just like me – she is happy to sleep away the afternoon in a patch of sun.

Given the volume of trees surrounding us, it’s not a surprise that the wildlife is abundant. We often see foxes passing and there’s a veritable squirrel army kicking about. The kids started naming them after Potter characters (with Harry and Ron regularly re-enacting some of the more salacious fan fiction) but Genghis obviously doesn’t care about their sex-lives, instead preferring to watch them leap from branch to branch, chittering to join in, mirroring their athleticism on her side of the glass. In an effort to keep her entertained while I’m trying to work, I bought a squirrel feeding house and now she has the equivalent of a colour television in every room.

Only problem is, I find it equally as addictive.

No work is done when Ron and Harry are looking for post coital snacks, but I do have a fairly detailed plan on how Genghis can run for office:

And at least she doesn’t require a comb-over.

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