After catching up with Conviction, Grey’s Anatomy, Westworld and House of Lies, I’m currently working my way through Lewis. I highly recommend the latter as, up until Season 7, there are only 4-episodes-per, so a binge isn’t so time consuming that you run out of clean pants.

When I'm starting a book, I compose in bed before I go to sleep. I will lie there in the dark and think. I'll try to write a paragraph. An opening paragraph. And over a period of weeks and months and even years, I'll word and reword it until I'm happy with what I've got. … Continue reading After catching up with Conviction, Grey’s Anatomy, Westworld and House of Lies, I’m currently working my way through Lewis. I highly recommend the latter as, up until Season 7, there are only 4-episodes-per, so a binge isn’t so time consuming that you run out of clean pants.

“A gesture of such heartbreaking kindness that I might die wanking.”

PSA: this is friggin' hilarious. And is the reason, after parsimony, that I don't read these any more. I wrote this after a Sunday reading the glossy magazines that come with the broadsheets, who pretty much all did the same thing that weekend - run a hilariously hagiographic interview with a young actress. I honestly felt I'd … Continue reading “A gesture of such heartbreaking kindness that I might die wanking.”

I’d rather have financial success than critical acclaim as I’ve had enough of living hand-to-mouth and being able to splurge on a bumper pack of toilet roll from Costco seems like the height of extravagance at the moment. Talk about a low bar…

In the interests of procrastination - because I believe that no deadline should be met without the cold sweat of guilty panic on my brow - I have been researching every aspect of Benchwarmers rather than writing it. There are plenty of How-To's out there, and everyone has a different Must-Do, so I've been sifting through to find … Continue reading I’d rather have financial success than critical acclaim as I’ve had enough of living hand-to-mouth and being able to splurge on a bumper pack of toilet roll from Costco seems like the height of extravagance at the moment. Talk about a low bar…